so this morning I went to work and missed the bus! I walked to the lil shoppin mall near there (15 minute walk) bought 2 toys for Kelso (he killed one, the frog by biting his eyes off O_o) anyway this afternoon I called in sick hehe. I did get money outta the wall it was pretty nice walking in the rain. when I was back home I thought I would play with Kelso for a bit on me bed (I got a foot/soccerball pillow on the end of my bed, Kelso loves it) but I kinda fell asleep wearing my glasses so there bent outta shape! anyway then mum came in an told me I was lazy an that I dont do anything... isnt me mum great? anyway after ripping me apart for falling asleep she just went on with the things she was doing. I got mad..slammed the door and sitting behind the door I fell asleep. mum didnt even say sorry an when I said to her what she said she called me a liar! so that was a nice day...

oh I gotte get me hair done next week, the red is fading away.
(took this pic like 3 minutes ago lol)
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