I did a dr Phil test that I got from Fox and got 50 points! today was weird, the plan was to go into ton with Saskia but... mum was already gone on her scootmobile (electric scooter..well u know). right before I left Kelso got free from the livingroom cause there was a draft. when I closed my mums door to stop the draft, the laundry she hang up on the balcony blew away almost. so I had to re-hang it on th rack inside. when I finally could leave Kelso was crying...such a sad sound and he didnt stop so I called Saskia an called it off. lol my lil puppy needed me XP well he's 1... so my lil todler needed me! in the time mum was gone I leaned my closet! it looked so terrible *blush* in the afternoon gran came, that was fun. and when she left and I was reading the paper arround 4:00 I fell asleep sitting on the couch at 6:30 I woke up on the floor in front of the couch sleeping on Kelso's pillo with Kelso asleep on my back.. yea.
I dreamed weird. I was with mum staying in a hotel next to a freaky lil town. kinda like the UK series The League of Gentlemen. and there I found out ppl kept dissapearing and at 1 morning my glasses were broken O_o never knew if we made it outta there btw. so now im gonne go eat!
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