- exited!! almost there!!
- mum grumpy we saw electric scooters for old ppl cause they told her she coulnt bring hers.
- pff short break were is the fairytales wood??
- I know the way... I think
- oh look see there we are!
- mum camera! lets go there.. mum camera!
- omg thats awesome!
- were is that big thing in the sky?
- oh there it is!
- mum:'hell no im not going in that thing'- see I knew there was a big bird!!
- weres the way out?
- mum I cant freaking push u anymore!!
- we got 10 minutes to walk that far??
- *out of breath*
- the taxi's gonne be here 20 minutes later??
- zzzzzzz
- home eating french fries ^_^
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