well I got my bike fixed back! YAY worked all day but I didnt move a thing in the afternoon.. way to hot for that. we got a alarmthigy on TV that there was gonne be a hard storm.. well it wasnt that bad here.. lightning & thunder but no rain.. lil freaky. oh I filmed some lightning it looks cool hehe. I cant blow bubbles anymore =( lol im gonne buy a new one tomorrow and blow all the way to the hospital were I finally can visite Maarten (look under wednesday to know who he is). saturday theres gone be a lollipop thing somewere so im gonne check i out maybe make lil vid about it and well thts al. tomorrow I just go work in the morning so long weekend! Kelso is sleeping so sweetly beside me on the couch XP
http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/left.html I just found out Jack the Ripper was lefthanded! im proud in a weird way! I love it that all those ppl are lefties! I read some more stuff about lefthanded ppl and it makes sence. like I mix numbers up and things.. very intresting. oh well I wont bore u with my hand. see ya tomorrows!
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