this morning I had work! I totally miscounted.. thank Evil Ducky. anyway it was the house were I was allone and he's on a holiday so I was outta there in 20 minutes. after that I went looking for a new camera cause this one sucks (for vids not pic's). and found a cute lil Sony cam which was prized down from 300,- too 219,- so thats double lucky! im gonne pick it up tomorrow I guess. in the afternoon I got a comic book thing from the woman I worked for. its a Jan Jans and the children (you gotta be Dutch to know them I guess) but there nice stories. each one is 1 page so lots to read YAY lol. in the evening we (me and me mummy lol) watched the last of That 70's Show season 4 and begin 5!! 5 is the newest one and the last season to complete them all YAY. it was lots of fun but after watching it was 1 in the morning so I didnt bother going on the pc. 

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