went to gran this morning! she had some double free cards so I cut the pics out and made 3D thingies from them.. worked out pretty nice. in the afternoon I blew bubbles on the balcony hehe. it was fun Kelso kept looking at em. and well thats all I did. its to warm to do anythng else. I think I forgot to say but yesterday I had my bike fixed cause he was riding weird but Im afraid it still isnt really fixed and I need it tomorrow eeeks! oh well, to warm to be worried. its shocking how lil I care if old ppls houses are clean or not. for dinner theres a salade and pommes ;) better known as French fries, patat or chips. depents were u from lol. bleh I wanna do something creative.. but I dunno hat. if anyone has any ideas... yea.im gonne start dinner an after that were gone see how Maarten is (the Down Syndrom guy who's arm had to be amutated). after that.. Im gonne take over the world!... or watch a movie.
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