
Thursday, August 27, 2009


..was fun! we went to an open museum where there old houses (around 1800-1900) the houses are real, fixed and stalled there. there were like real houses but also clay made cabins. small and so dark! it must be torture just the idea that families lived there with barely a roof over there head and aometimes upto 9 or more kids running arround! anyway I made some vids but I dont think there clear cause it really was dark as night in them. sleeping next to the chickens or pigs the horror.. or even worse.. the smell! I should ork harder getting all the vids on youtube im very behind. I think ill pick a day an just trow everything on there.. then just sharing 1 every other day. well thts all.. ill try getting the Efteling vids on here soon too and um yea thats it! every day in every way this is starting to look like a real blog ^_^


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