
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

tuesday backwards

NIGHT: I watched the Persuit Of Happyness.. what a great movie! its so real. love it! watch it ppl its worth it I promiss. after that I watched 4 Scrubs eps. so im happy ^_^ tomorrow im free. so I pretty much have to stop myself buying DVDs O_o well there 3 more on its way so im fine.. for now.
AFTERNOON: I thought it was monday O_o oh well I got 8 of my DVDs. and the very cheap dvds are as good as new! im exited lol. oh well as soon as I got home tonight its dvd time I think hehe. ill show u a pic of it laterz. now im off to the next adress.
MORNING: worked. went to the adress with the bus.. much better! im not so sleepy for the afternoon now. ohoh I havent got much time so byebye darlings!


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