
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

hospital day

what's going on? well.. Im having problems with my right pinky. there was something in it.. first it was nuthing, then a cyst but now they know what it is! its cartilage that grown in my pinky's bone. and it hurts! sharp pains, sometimes all the way up to my brain so something has to be done! so now there gonna take the cartilage out on the bone and place tiny little balls there. my body breaks down those balls and fills the whole with normall bone again.. sounds easy enough! im just gonna do this on time, cause it's easier. I woke up at 8:00 in the morning, and we left at 8:45 for the hospital where we were arround 9:30.there a nurse did the paperwork and took my blood pressure.. everything was fine. we had a talk with a male nurse about 3 weeks before who said its a small surgery and they just need my bare arm... WRONG!! I had to wear a stupid hospital shirt thing and be in a hospitalbed the whole time.... oh well back to the story shall we?

9:55 I was brought to the anesthesia room for an local anesthesia (basicly there gonne make my whole right arm numb). first Yvie got an IV (basicly a waterbag dripping into me) in my hand. the nurse who did that failed 2 times... that hurts! omg worst pain of the day was the back of my left hand! the first time she lost the vain and the second time she pushed the needle in wrong. then she let an older man do it.. he pushed that needle in my arm in a matter of 2 seconds... thank god for that!

10:15 im staring at a clock.. things are pretty boring. the only funny thing was a male nurse who wasnt fully awake yet and dropped almost everything. the female nurse was back to explain what was gonne happen. they are going to give me electric shocks from my armpit and the nurves that move will let them see which ones they should inject so my whole arm will go numb... wtf? yea really.. she also said they have something standing by to make me calm if it hurts to much, but I wanted to feel furst before they where gonna calm me. so the woman who was gonne give me the local anesthesia came to numb my arm. and stuck a needle in my armpit... it didnt hurt at all! and the electric shocks felt funny, it didnt hurt or anything. but there was 1 problem... my arm was numb but I could still move my pinky!

11:00 I was going to the surgery room. first thing I did was tell the doc I could still feel my pinky! I knew they were gonne test if I felt anything first but still.. so there I was on the surgery table, right arm straight on another table, left one the same way on my left side for the IV. I coulnt help but giggle, when the doc asked what was so funny I couln't help but say: 'all you need now are some nails!' (for the dumdum's: it looked like I was laying on a crucifix) there was a green thing on the side they where operating. but then out of nowhere 'ouch!'... 'did you feel anything?'... 'yes! like you poked me with a needle!'... like I said, I still felt my pinky. so they gave me an extra shot. but the second test was the same! and finally after 3 extra shots in the IV they knocked me out allong with my pinky I guess.. well it was half dark, I was laying under a warm blanket.... so yea I fell asleep. I woke up cause It felt like someone was jamming an ice pick in my pinky, it didnt hurt but it felt like that.

11:45 it's all done! Im rolled to a 'waking up room'thing but just my arm was numb.. there they checked my bloodpressure.. basicly kept an eye if anything would go wrong. after a while my arm stated to wake up and in no time I was moving all my fingers and it didnt take long or I could go back to the normall room,

1:00-ish.. there wasn't a clock lol. I got a sandwich and milk.. yummie lunch! I wasnt really bothered by my arm at all. I was in the room with 3 other ppl. in front of me a man with his wife, hehad a feet problem.. dunno what. on his left side a funny ol farmer who was laying flat in bed. nd next to me a girl arround my age, with both feet taped and in a terrible state.. she was on the max of her painkillers and still in terrible pain. after I asked, she explained that the bones of her big toes grew the wrong way so they cut a chunk of bone from there.. she'll be back in the hospital when it grows back again.. terrible thought... I also figured the doc messed with 1 of my bones too! sure a small one but still. I was wondering if I could get any sleep tonight.. even half that girl's pain would be hell.

2:10 nurse helped me to get dressed again.. it should have been really weird but in my education we had to learn that too. it felt like I was back in school in a weird way lol. after that I went down to wait for misses B. who was kind enough to collect me in her car... seatbelts arnt made for people with 1 hand lol. when I was in the car the last thing I saw was the girl that was in the bed next to me. in a weelchair, smiling and waving. yes, we where going home...

2:30 home again! misses B. picked up the pills I should take to make sure it doesnt get infected. after lot's of pinching my arm I found out the numbness was gone, but my pinky didn't hurt! it just felt like someone was sitting on it.. great ending to a day that went faster and easier then I thought :)


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