
Thursday, September 16, 2010


today was weird... first I had to work, turns out he's on holiday YAY so I got 2 weeks with hardly anything to do! after that I had to walk to the hospital (I walked faster then I thought). there I thought I got to hear its a cyst and there gonne cut it out. but it turns out they dont know what it is!! no one knows what the bump in my pinky is!! they think its cartilage (kraakbeen) u know? the bonestuff thats also in your ear. so a bump of that... but there not sure! now I have to get a MRI scan my idea of cutting it off doesnt sound so silly now does it? so there gonne do that and then well just wait to see if they finally know what it is. I think it would have been smarter to take  peek.. oh well boys and there toys.

when I got home I got something from Eric! he sent me 5 DVDs and an Emily the Strange book!! awesome ey? yes pic's will be on here soon but I have to make other pic's first.. oh yea it's tuesday now and the other pic's are for thursday XP I can see the future. or like Emily says: kNOw FUTURE.


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