
Friday, October 1, 2010

Eric's present!

I met Eric (one of the view pll I wont shut up about) on a DVD forum, his fav movie is Shaun of the Dead and well he likes Simon Peg stuff. so for his b-day I thought what would be better then Simon's autograph? I searched... and searched... and almost got a nerveus breakdown till I found this! its a 100% real autograph of Simon Pegg. it's a pretty big thing btw (so not some A4 paper thing) this is the real deal baby YAY! Eric loves it, and framed it, and keeps looking at it ^_^ am I the best long distance gf of the year or what? lol
so Happy b-day!.. oh yea for I forget a funny little fact.
his b-day is december the 25th.. but I coulnt risk waiting till then.


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