
Thursday, January 13, 2011

I dreamed a dream

I was walking in england, with my bag an I was making pic's with my phone. the idea was that I had to collect a suitcase somewhere that I lost. but the whole thing was a mistake so I was allone in the UK for a day strangly enough I had a one way flying ticket. anyway I was taking pic's.. walking behind The Tower but it wasn't right. I mean the street I was on doesnt exist there in real life.
I was walking on that street and all of a sudden I saw ppl I knew and found a bush thing in a flowerpot, those big outside ones and in it lived little swans. 2 by 2 in a heart shape they where sitting there and I took a pic of them.
I kept walking but it got so dark so I desited to sleep in a B&B for a night. I found in a bit of a back alley an open door... it looked like no one has been there for ages. I walked in there and there was a small counter on the right and a staircase right in front of me, the whole building was painted orange on the inside. I didnt saw anyone so I called 'hello? anyone?' when I opened the first door. there I saw a bed with someone sleeping in it... I closed the door and went back down. 2 women sat there! a very skinny but friendly woman behind the counter and a bigger one beside her. there where both in old fasioned dresses. the one behind the counter a black and white one, the other dress was brown/greyish.
'goeie avond' (good evening) the first women said... they where.. Dutch? I answered them in English and asked for a bed for the night. it turned out to be a Dutch B&B type thing for students, normally they go out all night long and stay there to sober up but tht night there where only 4 guests. I could get a bed! both women stood up and went though a door next to the staircase (also orange so hard to see). I grabbed my wallet and... no wallet!! so I kept looking till I found a small wallet with about 35 pound and some change in it O_O how can I get back to Holland with tht? living in the UK or being homeless in the UK is a very big difference!
I leaned over th counter to figure out what I might do and see the till open! I take my glove, grab some cash from it and ran away.
I ran out of that street, back to the other one and ended up at the tourist busstop at the Tower (see thats how I knew where I was) I was about to walk in there when I saw a taxi so I ran half in front of it and rushed to the nearest airport. there I bought a ticket, something to eat and used the exuse 'there was a error and now my suitcase is still in Holland, I have to pick it up myself! well after that im going home!'

last thing I dreamed was that I was on the airport changing my pounds for euro's... enough for a trainticket.


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