
Monday, March 14, 2011


skipped thursday... I just don't care...
(the badass way of saying: nuthing happend just sorted out pic's)

friday I felt sick -but it get's worse- I trew up -but it get's worse- 2 times -but it get's worse- at a work adress! horrible.. good thing they didn't notice anything. it's a brand new adress an I like them enough to keep them.. so yea when I came home I went to bed till dinner, eat an appel and some veggies and felt blergh! saturday I spend the whole day sick in bed (well thats that's I thought) turned out to be 2:00 in the afternoon. got out of be but didnt do anything :( being sick SUCKS!!! sunday is a better day! I feel much better! at night I eat a big plate off fries.. hmmm I had to restore the food level ;) hyper and happy im almost back baby! monday... im gone again baby.. I had a flue but the virus thats been circling arround found me. and slammed me down again. no work tomorrow lady P is also sick.. same thing but worse. so now im here cold sickies an blergh... but I did made something on Flickr! wanna see? do ya? really? thats awesome thanks! taaaadaaaaaa!!! enjoy and what did u say? get well soon? aw thank you.. so sweet ^_^


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