
Friday, March 18, 2011

tuesday till friday

tuesday I got a bit beter again.. its about time. wednesday I did some dusting and played Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None and got stuck in the game... really stuck. I thought it would save on it's own.. it didnt so I coulnt stop playing or I would have to start all over again. meanwhine I was washing my bedsheets but I coulnt get them out of the washer cause I would have to find a way to save first. then I thought: THE BOOK! grabbed the box, lil how too book thingy and I could save.. what a wild life I have ;) thursday I did some reading.. fighting with mum over nuthing.. everything explodes here very fast. and friday (today) I went to work in the morning got Jackass 3 from Eric!! and wonders where the hell Carry is. tonight im gonne watch BBC1 all night long baby! im happy :)


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