
Sunday, April 10, 2011


monday spend a morning at the eye dok.. mum needed drips in her eyes so she needed someone to get her there and back home again. she was in a weelchair and I was pushing, such fun!! I raced with her though the long halls. people where laughing.. I think more people would like to do that.
 tuesday I worked in the afternoon.. yea tuesday is the most boring of day's
I had to go to the government thing to see a woman that should help me to find work. well that turned out great... she didnt knew anything! I asked about educations 'I dont know' I asked about work 'I don't know' I mean wtf is that about? so I went home and complained about her. not 10 minutes later she came on the phone. half in shock but without her 'I don't know'-attitude.. she knew everything now!! so I got my answers and she saved her ass. at night I cleaned & sorted out the bookcases which took almost 2 hours!! im on a tidying up frenzy! everything I don't use goes!
thursday: still grabbing anything we don't need and take pic's to sell it. things that I dont sell go to a friend of my aunt's cause her daughter stands on flea markets.


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