
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

fast week

sunday and monday where pretty much the Dollhouse stuff I made.. tuesday I worked in the afternoon as usual. wednesday I had to go into that disgusting house again! well the smell was a little better but the guy freaks me out O_O last time I was there tho.. thank goodness! thursday we went to gran in the morning and I sorted out her small cabinet.. so much junk came out of there! omg it wasn't normal anymore. friday I worked in the morning and in the afternoon I did some reading for a change.. yea I'm living the life of an 60 year old woman: play, snack, read... well a boring old woman.. anyway.. well I do some other stuff, but a girl has to have some little secrets now does she?
I'm gonna do the weekend now, I'm on a roll anyway:
saturday I... bought strawberries, they where yummie and on sunday I sold (or at least try to sell) stuff on the internet. well that's about it.. I closet the day gap and you know what I've been doing. isn't it a great world?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not your ex, i'm just someone that reads your blog now and then, if i was your ex i would have said that, well....if i was your ex i would not come here at all anymore, would be stupid if i did
