
Friday, August 26, 2011


today I haven't had any trouble finding the adress in the morning and I didn't have much work too do.. lovely and a good thing cause this afternoon I have a new adress wich could be an adress I could stay! so I'm exited woohoo!!
I'm back from the new adress and I'm so pissed off!! I came home, put my clothes in the wash and took a shower. a sick smell of a stuffy sweaty home mixed with sigarets! it's a 59 year old man who isn't all there if u know what I mean.. his house was filled up with boxes, paintstuff.. 4 chairs piled up and 1 broken chair next too that who could fall appart at every moment! blergh.. it was clean tho.. kinda.. but what a mess. and the way the guy talked sounded like there have been many cleaner before me, and I'm guessing also after me. next week hopefully 1 more time cause the wednesday after that is the 31st. (yes I'm late with blogging)


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