
Saturday, October 29, 2011


work in the morning! and in the afternoon I did dishes.. should I explain? first the dishes from lunch, then I made lemon icecubes (for tea and things, workes easier then buying a lemon when all you need is a lil juice) so I have too clean the kitchenmachinething. then get all the lemonjuice out those funny yellow things. after finishing that I had a bit of lemonjuice left in a teacup and I got an idea. so I cleaned the lemonthings first (3th time in an hour I did the dishes). grabbed some flower and sugar and made sugarcookies with lemon! (zandkoekjes Carry) after I made the first batch I cleaned the first of the cookiemaking things. and... the first cookies where burned!! :( ow no.. but I made enogh dough for a second try.. and those cookies where the best ones I ever made!! YAY lovely sweet with a bit of a lemon flavour :) guess what I did when they where done? well? yep.. I cleaned the rest of the cookie making things and enjoyed a cookie.. the last time I did the dishes that day was after dinner. they where just sitting there.. mum wont do it so I got very annoyed.. called her lazy and did the dishes... again... pfff...


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