
Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I had a bit of a weird morning.. I woke up too go to work (her normall one was sick) so I went too the womans adress and she's a clean freak! yay.. I'm the same for a bit so I liked cleaning there. only she din't have the right papers.. or anything. (good I always bring my own) so I could have left 30 minutes earlier but I explained too her what she should have and how it all works first.. she was happy so I did a good job. did I tell you the adress was very close too my home btw? no..? well it was!
so I rushed home, grabbed Kelso and we walked to gran for a cup of tea :) Holiday on Ice is comming up.. gran doesn't wanna go. it's so crazy how can a person like.. nuthing?? even House likes his puzzles. gran likes 2 old series she watches -and falls asleep by- all the time, has one 1000 pieces puzzle she likes and fills the rest of the day sleeping. ho can anyone do that? I mean she can fall asleep anywhere lol. oh well there must b something in this whole world she would like too do... lets hope so cause this is just insane.


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