
Saturday, November 5, 2011


were getting a Lidl (grocery store) in out shopping mall! and gran got a special ticket so she could see it the night before it opens. gran didn't wanted too go so me and mum went there. exept for the lots of old people it's a nice store. it was open from 7:00 till 9:00 we where there arround 7:30, had a look arround and we got a bag when we left... okay? we also got a magazine we thought gran would want so we headed off to gran where we stayed till 10:00 at night. she went trough the mag and we went trough the bag. chocolate, wash softner, cookies an a bottle of red wine.. nice. at home I had a mug of wine (classy ey lol) well I should explain.. the wine glasses are real crystal.. so I'm better off with a mug. when we tasted the wine mum said it was lovely.. I almost said 'I've had sweeter' but that would lead into explaining... which would lead too some pretty weird stories... anyway... back to the story: tomorrow's the big opening of the store so it will be crazy busy there, good thing we already saw it ;)


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