
Wednesday, November 9, 2011


well this is gonne be fun: I spend my day blogging! I had everyday written down in short posts, saved them but didn't have the time to put all the confusion in it that you know an love ;) nah I just did short things like: monday scan 49 books. that's not enough for a post lol, so I added what I remembered. anyway.. wednesday: I woke up at 12:50 cause I wasn't sleepy yesterday night and ended up dusting my bedroom at 5:00 in the morning.. after the dusting I went too bed, dunno when I fell asleep.. did know when I woke up O_O I skipped lunch. I've been eating to much anyway and I dont even feel hungry so I just had a coco. it's 3:10 in the afternoon now so I'll wait till dinner. got my cola zero so I'm fine :P


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