
Friday, December 16, 2011

and.. behind again

yep, this sucks.. I'll tell you why I went to my old days-are-flying-by-to-fast-mode.. I was fighting something. something we all hate and we all get, a horrible thing that will knock us down: a bad cold -_- yea almost for a week! had an adress and had to change it to wednesday.
but thats not all, I havent been able to sleep for about... 5-6 days because the elevator was making sounds. the system that does all the work could use some oil which they desited too do after the weekend. so this monday the terrible high pitched noices stopped... sleep at last!

on tuesday I was feeling much better an on wednesday I went back to work. (remember the lady who got the new kidney? I worked there) but cause the windows needed to be done too I spend over 15 minutes my own time there. I didn't mind poor woman could use the help and I cant stop half way can I? the whol time I was sick, gran was sick too but I cheered her up. after work I bought an deco stuffed animal (dachshund) and brought it too her. she was so happy! so yea.. how about some pic's?


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