
Friday, December 16, 2011


didn't have to work! yep only had 1 adress cause the other one is getting her eye fixed in Germany. so this morning to the shops, have to make my own dinner tonight (not that thats a problem) cause mum is dining out. and I felt like having some steak, had some sprouts left from yesterday.. so I'll survive ;) talking about surviving this was the view we had this morning:
we didn't expect that! but it was to warm to really make everything snowy. in th afternoon I'v been messing srround again, I've ben trying for 2 days to make a tiny little table -_- pfff it keeps collapsing! so wish me luck! in the afternoon I've ben blogging but I got a litle bored, one thing let to another and well look at these:
don't mess with me:

 the sleeping train:
 stay away from the kitteh:
 where are my paws?:
 go go smelling sences:
 you can't be happy all the time:
if that didn't make you smile at least ones you really really really need help!
(no Kelso's included)


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