
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

friday 27 jan - monday 30 jan

work in the morning and shops in the afternoon. nuthing that much special really. oh and the make-up station did arrive, only I had other plans with it:
saturday is a HELL of a day!! in the afternoon we should have been going to a bookfair , but my hair kept getting in my eyes so I thought I go to the hairdressers first. I said a little shorter... A LITTLE and that bitch cut of so much O_O this will take me 2 months to restore... pffffff. so I was kinda happy we didn't go to the bookfair. I'm saving some money for over 2 months.. but more about that later.
sunday I didn't do much special. I did finish my book!! CSI Binding Ties (Oud Zeer) the best one till now! so now I moved on from that to another writer, ith abouther book, with another terrifying story.. I didn't spell that right I know, can't be bothered right now.
monday I sold some stuff YAY.. im saving up money (again) so that was a nice surprise. some Goofy's to a Goofy collector! how nice is that? only he asked a pic of all im selling to see if he could find anything else so that took up a bit of time :S but it was worth it.


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