
Sunday, January 8, 2012

holiday on ice

yep we went to holiday on ice today. without gran, cause she said 'no' about 50 times till we ordered the tickets then she forgot she said no.onlywe had to go in mums taxi service.. so we where there 2 hours before the show started O_O and we wern't even the first ones there!! wich shocked me even more to be honest. after a long boring wait me and mum where finally at our seats where she started to nag she wanted a hotdog... why?? I didn't eat from when I had my lunch at 12:00. mum had a sandwich with her cause she takes meds arround 1:00 so she ate an hour after me.. before the show started she ate anouther sandwich (wich should be saving for the ride back if it got too late) I didn't got her a hotdog.. she can survive without.
the show was great btw! much better then the last one.
only we had the afternoon show.. so lots of kids:

the boy behind us: was a little scared cause he had no idea what was going to happen. (he was arround 3-4) but he was very sweet, his father on the other hand... they wanted to go for a walk before the show started. the boy jumpe every step of the stairs. when a little boy does that it's so cute... when father did the same it was terrifying O_O the whole stairs made such a big noise that everyone thought someone fell off it. then he showed his son the ice, which is fine. then he sat on the edge, which is worrying. then he let his son touch the ice!! how much of an idiot is he?? first basic parent stuff: don't touch fire, don't touch th stove, don't touch the heater, don't touch ice cause YOU CAN GET STUCK!! and this idiot wanted him to touch the ice.. if his little hand would get stuck to the ice he would have officely been one of the worst parents I ever saw. thank goodness the people from the icehall where smarter and told him to get away, then a security man explained how dumb he was... he looked pretty ashamed. better ashamed then a crying child if you ask me..

the boy before me: asked 'can we go home?' the first time the lights went out. he was a bit annoying but after a harsh word from his gran he sat still.. untill an upbeat song started and he started to dance sitting down on his chair.. gran got annoyed and told him to stop it. poor kid... he was finally enjoying the show...

on the first row (we where on the 3th) a father told his daughter (arround 12 years old) he was talking to her mother so she should wait. while he was doing that he gave a soft tap on the girls knee... she reacted by slapping him full in the face! father couln't really say anyrhing about it with all those people watching and mother... mother was laughing and saying it was kinda his fault O_O hell I almost told her off and I don't even know the little bitch! 


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