
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

tuesday and wednesday

tuesday I went to work and had to pick up a view things from the store for the lady I work for. nothing special only when I went to pay there was a woman for me so crappy... it was hard to believe she didn't walk right out of a cartoon. the guy at the check out counter looked so confused when she almost trew the money at him. I was extra nice tho.. thought I'd even things out hehe. well it can't hurt to be nice for ones now can it?
wednesday.. well I made the jewlerybox an I got annoyed there new ppl on our floor who are pissing me off by stuffing things in the trashshoot which wont go down. and now 1 of then had a birthday, nuthing wrong with that, the banner telling everyone basicly she's a cheap spoiled brat in rhyme form isn't bothering me either... the freaking trashshoot filled up again is just so annoying. so I grabbed the bag out (this trashshoot filling is almost every day btw) and tied for decoration on the banner. happy birthday!! 


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