
Monday, March 5, 2012


I'm feeling blerghhhh all day. I hope I'm not getting sick O_O I need to go to the dollhousefair on saturday for my bar and Lizzy (and the House of Wax idea's.. and the garage... and the execution with beheaded corpse.. and I kinda got a zombie/Frankenstein idea but that's for later) you have no idea how fun it is thinking of new ways to kill miniatures hehe anyways..
monday I worked all day, borrrrring.. tuesday I'm free, wednesday I'm going to the tuesday adress and friday I'm going to the adress I went this monday insted of last friday. confused? good! so am I. oh just to update Carry I lost the flower on my left index finger (wijsvinger) 1 down 9 to go! lol


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