
Friday, February 25, 2011

very boring week..

tuesday, well thats always the most boring day of all cause it's just: waking up, lunch, work.. and yea thats it. altho I did put some pic's on Flickr.
 wednesday I woke up.. and thats pretty much it. I was very cold and found out that if you start falling aslep you don't feel cold anymore so I fell asleep with Kelso on my lap. after I woke up about an hour hour later I read the last half from the second story (Just After Sunset) and that was so exiting I didnt even feel that I was cold anymore.
 thursday morning I had to work at that nice ppl's house like I did on monday.. that was fun! there so kind. only the bus was so late on my way back home I got a need to take pic's so I grabbed my phone and started shooting everything. (pic's will be shown soon) at night I watched Kill Bill I & II again. they where on tv too mum told gran to watch it but we both knw she's to into zapping from channel to channel to find out whats going on.. oh well..
 friday was very weird.. I woke up in the afternoon (well got out of bed.. I found it too cold to leave my warm kingdom and I dressed. after that I sold stuff on internet, did some other stuff and before I knew it it was 1:30 in the afternoon!! (I got out of bed at 12:15) so if we had lunch an then get foo would take to long mum and me just had 2 muffins I made and we went to the store, after that we got some fish we ate at home. mixed up day indeed but oh well it's better then doing nuthing.
 did I tell you to click th pic's already? no? well do it anyway!!
 want to see the first phone pic's click here and well enjoy? I dunno..


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