
Monday, February 21, 2011

what a great monday!

 today  everything went wrong what could go wrong. missed the bus, the times the bus would be there was differend and if I could out of the bus I would have to search to find the street.. pffffff. but when the bus came I figures out theres a busstop on that street! it turned out it was only 5 minutes away! (the website said 10 minutes and the wrong busstop)so I was on time, the man and wife where really nice too.. a wrong start turned out fine, I love it when that happends! when I was cleaning the guy knew what appartment we lived in, well the building. turns out he ued to deliver the mail. but then he said: 'you used to live at **** when you where still a very little girl and your dad was still with you' I coulnt believe my ears! he remembered me... after all those years he knew where we lived! (I was 5 when we moved an im 23 now, you do the math) amezing, see how ppl know stuff even if you have never even said more to that person then 'ellow, nice weather today isn't it?'
in the afternoon 1 of my dreams has come true!!!! I had a hearing test done and scored a perfect score! so that means I can hear everything, anywhere maybe I can even hear you while yo wisper at the screen 'bet you can't heard this crazy biatch' are ya scared yet? cause... you should be! I could have had that test before but I went with mum and the peeps she heard I could hear, they where so annoying and loud that I didnt want to get my own ears tested. but I wanted to know, I mean, my mums half deaf and with all the MP3 loud music is so bad stuff I was a bit worried I would have damaged it. everythings loud in this house cause my mum can't hear most stuff: radio, tv, her own annoying voice.. anyway's the peeps wernt so loud and it only took a minute so whats stopping you? go get one!
I BOUGHT FANTASIA!! Disney's Fantasia, the dvd. I was all exited till I told Eric who said: 'I don't like singing movies' it's NOT!! then I found out he's to serieus I guess.. I jump whilest watching Bambi and still laugh at how cute the Aristocats are. I do that because it's fun. I missed the grown up train.. I do things that make me smile because why does there have to be an age limit on stuff you would secretly want to do? when I was at school (I did childcare) I preformed whole stories with stuffed animals (I was arround 20-21 or something then) and the others liked that but would never join because... 'it's just not what adults do' I think thats the lamest exuse ever not to do something you like. I blow soapbubbles, doodle or colour, do silly pranks, hide small plastic animals in the house and many more pointless and crazy things not cause im fighting my age but because I embrace it and make it fun!


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