
Sunday, April 17, 2011


I had to work in the afternoon, to a single old woman who lives in a big house. poor woman had eye surgery but she's getting her sight back now. turns out the cleaner who is suppose to clean there only did half. the woman coulnt see so the cleaner didn't clean the house as good as she should! what a bitch.. not only to the woman but too me aswell I had to work double because she didn't clean everything right. oh well it was an sweet old lady so I didn't really mind.. she talked a lot tho.. well I can't complain really. she lost her husband last winter so she's just a bit lonely. oh today I rode my bike again! coulnt cause of pinky probs but that's good as gone only now my butt hurts.. im not used of riding my bike anymore.. oh well couple of day's and that will be fixed too.


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