
Saturday, April 16, 2011


im painting a little sidetable and a cow milking thingy black. im doing this in the middle of my room.. genius I know. the whole house has a paint smelling stuffy atmosphere exept for my room! I don't know how I did that, but it's pretty ironic. let's see.... oh! im still busy selling stuff on the internet and it's giong pretty well.. I really can't complain because every sale is a little bit of room in the house. in the afternoon I went to the dentist, he said my teeth looked great! he's a really nice elderly man.. I moved up dentist wise. and I started a little obsession... solar toy's! there awesome put them in the sunlight and they wobble! so I need to get my butt to the Expo and hope they still have them. I got 1 already a mini monkey! howmany girls can say the've go an wobbley monkey? well I can.. pic's and stuff will be on soon I promiss!
clicky tha piccy


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