
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


saturday I took Kelso for a very very long walk  -really after all that walking yesterday?-  yep! and well that was saturday... but don't worry im typing sunday too.. grey crazy culture in the centrer of town sunday. mum and me went there to check out the culture sunday... it started with a little flea market where I found 2 books: a Stephen King one and one with very old kids stories (those stories are evil lol). then we walked further till we found the place where culture would burst everywhere... wait where is it? there where 4 stands spread out for kids. so we walked further till we where near the old church.. there we heard thing's like: 'BURNING THE PAGES ARE BURNING I MUST TURN THE PAGE OW OW' and 'A BIG FAT CREEPY SPIDER WITH LONG HAIRS ON HIS LEGS...' turns out there where ppl talking about it to little kids O_O if it was my kid I would have closed it's ears... that woman most be insane. kids will never touch a book or get over there fear of spiders... what a crazy bitch!
we moved on and saw people with drums.. sounded great till one stood so close I thought there would drip blood out of my ears. walking away from that we saw people dressed up and with masks. in the program they said there would be a piece from Shakespeare. so it would make sence that would be preformed there, but this is what we saw: 2 men where drumming, about 4 dressed in black just creeping all over the place, 2 tall men with skull masks and a thing they use in construction placed to go up with a figure in red on it. there where also men dressed as butler's from the year 1700 walking arround with a small ladder... I was laughing so hard at this point I was crying. it didn't even make a little bit of sence! worst thing was the rest of the people watching where serieus! maybe they didn't wanted to be caught laughing because it was culture..
anyway back to the show.. the 2 men stood still on there ladders, the other 2 stopped drumming and 2 clown came on.. they did an act and then 1 of the clowns touched everyone and they sort of woke up (to be honest the act they did was so old it wasnt a surprice they had to wake them all up again) them 4 men (seems like they where all men) a bit to heavy pretending to be butterflies of some kind where flapping arround and the red figure went in the air and that's it. I dried my eyes and said it was the greatset thing ever! not much later we saw a women letting a balloon in the air for her son.. under a tree.while she looked up surprised to see the tree and her little boy crying mum said 'now I understand that show what culture.. thats the best they can do for these kinds of idiots'. so I started to laugh again.. poor little boy tho and poor mum! the whishing-baloons where for charity and 2,- each, charity loves dummies!
anyway there wasn't much to do anywhere else so we walked back. there we saw 3 silver/black angels reading a piece of a story from a book. well I hardly know anything from the dear man but I could undertand that was Shakespeare! 2 angels where nice enough to turn to me for a pic... but I guess them being angels and all they had to be nice. oh I almost forgot! during the.. culture show (I dunno what else to call it) there was a small white dog so scared! shaking and hiding, that poor dog was skipping now, so happy he was gone from the madness.. makes you think: even a dog didn't like it... well that's it. im gonne go back next year hopig they do another show. I'm already feeling happiness bubbeling up knowing I can laugh at them again.  


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