
Sunday, April 3, 2011


what a day it is... at work I had to clean the windows in the living room. what's the big deal? thats only an hour or so right? WRONG! the windows where no prob at all but the curtains... they went on a rail with little hooks. madam only had 1 set of hooks cause then she would have something to do (change the hooks from 1 to another curtain). in theory theres nothing wrong with what she did but in reality she forgot how much space needed to be between hooks. she got it all mixed up so the curtins ended up being lots smaller then the window! so there I was switching sides, running up and down the ladder to make sure the hooks where allright... this little bit of fun took me over an hour!!
at home mum said gran called theres an extra discount on DVD's in the V&D!! so after some confincing mum went with me to grab some dvd's. mum wanted to bring her electric scooter so we had to go with a taxi thing... took us over an hour!! normally about 15 minutes O_O so that sucked. when we where finally there I found out they had the sale that they didnt the first time we where there! 2 Disney's for 1 so I did buy The Great Mouse Detective and Fantasia 2000. happy happy joy joy!
well after all of that we where back at home.. dinner time. finally the day is over.. wait what? tonight to the store? thats an half hour walk... fine ill go! yes I did... with mum to the store far away.. before we went I was smart enough to do the dishes. during the walk to the store and back I shot some pic's with my camera. I'm getting a little better in focussing and stuff. but everything with the flash on looks magical! well thats the whole day.. back at home and to be honest I feel like there's a donkey on my back!


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