
Saturday, April 2, 2011


in the morning the whole family (mum, Kelso and me) went to gran and her sister who's visiting at the moment. there they invited us to have dinner there.. anyway we stayed there till arround 12:00 in the afternoon. I didnt have any lunch because I have to work this afternoon! so at 12:30 I hopped on a bus, little did I know this bus would lead me to a place that I thought only would exist in a Asterix comic book:
in my case: 3 old person home buildings, number 703 and not a clue where im going! first building: only went till number 290 (or something like that). second building: no numbers anywhere just stupid names of sections. no ppl arround to ask so just walk walk walk... there was an elevator for floors 1 & 2... at 2 u had to find another elevarot for 3& 4 but that one also only went to 1&2. I was loosing my mind... til I finally saw a woman! I asked her and she said I had to be in the 3th building O_O there everything was great! numbers everywhere and I was at the right house within 5 minutes! cleaned her house an I could leave early :) good day afterall.. in the evening we all went to gran's to have dinner (which was yummie btw) and at night I watched Little Britain.. im still working my way through the box set and loving every moment whooo whiiiiiii. 


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