
Saturday, May 14, 2011

burn baby burn

sunday I told you about my cleaning madness, during that I came by this box:
it was on top of the kitchen cabinets. mum thought it was risky cause dust could get in it and maybe cause it to shock. so there I was... allone and with a plan. remove the box. I'am pretty good with electricity too be honest and when I saw it wasn't just plugged into this but the wires where on the inside I knew what to do.
see the arrow? they where attached there. so I turned on the kitchen light. tried the electric control switches till I found the right one and the kitchen light was turned off. so.. now it's easy cause theres no electricity in the kitchen. I removed the cap of the box. placed my crewdriver in the first screw. turned a little and jumped away! a big bang and sparks flying everywhere!
the kitchen rugg was burning a little, but that was controlled fast enough. (as you see down here.. just a little burnmark) I was happy I jumped away tho.. the shirt I was wearing had a special mark in it that it was highly flameble! I was also happy Kelso wasn't arround. 1 spark and he would be in trouble! not dead.. cause I was right there but omg it would have been horrible!
so I desited there's one thing I can do. turn the kitchen electricity back on (for the cooler/freezer) and wait for mum. when she was back I told her the story an she knew what happend: the kitchen switch only turns off the right side of the kitchen and the box was on the left side... so she showed me the right switch and after 10 minutes the loose box was removed and the box on the kitchen wall was working again... told you I was good with electric's!


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