
Friday, May 6, 2011


thursday I went to the doc where it turns out I'm allergic to... something. oh well he gave me cream and it's already almost gone. to bad I didnt knew what it was or I would stay away from it next time.
friday& weekend: Kate and Will are married! mum followed the whole thing.. and well yea that's it. (painfull to mention cause now it becomes clear im very much behind with my posts) saturday was queen's day! a lovely day where the queen & co visite a place in Holland and the whole country can see them run arround without there lease... lovely. sunday I went to the centrum cause last month there was a bookstand who promissed to bring King books! but this night was terrible.. im sickies and should be in bed really.. when we got there: no stand. mum wanted to buy a new printer which wouln't be a problem but I felt so sick! it was warm I was there in my wintercoat.. cold but warm blergh. mum wanted to go grab a bite there and became a bit upset I just wanted to leave... stupic cow.
monday: I had to go to the place that's gonne make me pick up other peoplee's rubish or work in public garden thigies. when I was there something else happend. turns out the gouverment airhead didnt had a cleu where she send me! next week I have to search for volunteer work at a school or kiddie day care! that's soooo much better! that made my monday! still sick and in my wintercoat in the summer but with a nice bit of homework!
tuesday, work has been moved to tomorrow afternoon so I can be sick in peace lol. wednesday I'm feeling much better :) still a lot of blowing my nose.. but that's life. if you have to clean houses where people are sick (and you breath in those sickgerms for over 3 hours) and the weather is playing mean little tricks (sun makes it look like summer but there's a very cold wind blowing) it's not that weird I got sick..


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