
Monday, June 27, 2011


I almost forgot something! pay attention this is gonne be bloody confusing! my aunt has a friend called A who knows someone who wants stuff to sell on markets andthings. anyway I had a box and bag full of stuff she could sell, mum called A and gave our phonenumber. so far no problems untill we finally got a call about 4 day's later (they waited 4 days which was already bloody rude in my eyes) the man on the phone didn't sound happy at all and he wasn't intrested in the stuff we had for him. normally that's okay, but he was saying in so rude and unfriendly! when I hung up the phone I was pissed off... and called A again. I said it was 'just to say they called' but during the phonecall I did mention how rude they where. A got mad.. good! I woulnt let a caracter like that badmouth me or come out as a hero in this story. they waited 4 days and then left me haning with a mean phonecall.. hell no! A said she would talk to them about it.. I didnt even care anymore.. all I know is: I win!!


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