
Monday, June 20, 2011

life and death..

yea I had another weird dream. it was friday afternoon so we where in the store looking for food when the store was robbed! we all had to stand in line at the front of the store. 2 men with big guns just walked up and down till 1 of them looked at me and said I should go to the back (where they unload trucks). so I went there and waited. he came to the same place and was surprised I didnt ran away. 'im to big to hide in a corner an running away just didn't seem smart' I replayed in a calm voice. he was wearing a balaclava but I could tell he was smiling 'you haven't changed' he said. and I was sure I knew him! but do I really want to know who it is? should be someone I went to school with, but who? no maybe it's better not to know and just stay on there good side. he pointed to a line fof 25-30 people.. 'who would you let go first?' I looked arround 'can you give my mum a chair? if she's on the ground there's no change in hell she'll ever stand up again.' he didn't even remind me they ran the show but instructed the other guy to bring my mum a chair. I was still scanning the people on the floor, looked beside me.. a gun an a guy in a mask.. a guy that knows me.. it slowly became clear to me I was helping to rob this store in a weird way. but I didn't care.. I saw a mum with 3 kids and an old lady.. I was feeling sorry for them. 'you want your mum out of here first?'... 'huh? oh her.. she needs her med's she wont survive without them.' he looked straight at me 'so your mum will go first' I looked at 3 small kid's and a mum who was scared to death her children would be hurt. 'let them go' I said pointing at the kids 'there to little for a robbery, then the old lady before she gets a heart attack.' before I knew it he grabbed me by my arm and pushed me infront of him. I felt the gun at the back of my head, but somehow I knew he woulnt shoot, hell he was taking my advice! the woman with her 3 kids where the first ones to run into the save arms of the police all arround the building. I was looking at mum.. if I would keep her here she wont survive and all of my problems would be over! I could let her go tho.. I honestly didnt know what to do. 'I'm thirsty!' 2 masks looked up, looked at eachother and got some bottles of water, I was drinking my Cola Zero and mum her Pepsi Max. after a while 1 of the masks stood infront of me 'It's that time again..' I looked at mum 'it's not her time yet.' he took 1 step to his right and stood infront of my mum, grabbed her arm and before letting her go. mum was calm, just as calm as I have been.. feeling something inbetween knowing, not knowing and maybe not even caring.


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