
Sunday, September 4, 2011

killer dog

I worked in the morning but today is all about the afternoon. there was a fleamarket where the stores are (today and tomorrow) so that was fun too go through other peoples stuff. after lunch we went to a second hand store! (and yes pic's will be on later) I bought mum a puzzle of Mister T from the A-team! so funny she had it in here basket (electric scooter) so she was driving allong with Mister T looking pissed at everyone XD we made people smile :)
saturday we went to a fleamarket at the old people home accross the street and through the shopping mall again. kid's where even selling stuff outside! so we went out there looking arround untill we heared a dog screaming O_O this wasn't crying or attention this was pure panic, almost at the same time we saw a balt man in a blue shirt running. (we thought someone had run over his dog, cause we where near a parking lot) but it was so much worse then that.. a dog was tied up outside (you can't take dogs inside) and the balt guy's dog attacked him! we where a bit too far too see... I didn't wanted too see it really. if I human was stabbed or something I would take a look but a tied up doggy? omg.. the first screams, the balt guy running and then a guy in a striped shirt ran out of the mall and kicked the attacking dog so hard! yea.. the victims owner protected his dog (let's be fair we would all do the same for our pets) after that kick he whipped him with a leash till he stopped biting. the blue shirt guy was so mad that his dog got kicked! the idiot.. they kept yelling and then went there own way's. I would have called the effing cops on him and made sure the killer dog was put down... but that's just me. I was happy I didn't bring Kelso tho.. he would have been so scared :( when we came home he got a big hug.. don't worry Kelso.. I'll keep you save.


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