
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

3th of october

today I found out you can say many thing's about me, but not that I haven't got a good condition. I had to go to an interview pretty far away but close to the German border. so after the interview (didn't got it btw) me and mum (who I took with me as a map reader) went to Germany to shop. and yes Carry will prob be screaming this too the screen already 'YOU IDIOT GERMANY IS CLOSED THE 3TH OF OCTOBER!!' yea.. she's the German expert, not me.. everything was closed cause they where happy the wall came down. at leats that's what someone told me I don't know... don't even care. so I suggested to go to our own city for some shopping fun. there was a fleamarket and stuff O_O they where celabrating Germans... which is odd cause there always complaining there in my town to much... strange world isn't it? so we had lunch somewhere and I bought some white Fimo.. but after a while I got even more tired and we desited to go home.. today I was on my bike + walking for 28 km (17,4 miles)... which is pretty far! it was a nice weather tho.. so I can't really complain.... oh yea an im 24 today.


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