
Friday, October 7, 2011


sometimes I get to hear my blog is a bit confusing, I thought I'd make things more clear by having you see how things work in my mind.. enjoy: sort out the paper/notebooks.
paper! differend colours!
get the deskstuff (paperclips/scissors) in 1 pile.
getting a drink.
ohhh foulding the wash..
putting away some dishtowels and see the pc cabinet.
changes the paper and dusts the bottom shelf on it.
PAPER!! gets back too my room to carry on putting the papers away.
tucks in the blanket off my bed..
trowing out some trash..
Kelso! playing with Kelso..
seeing the wash.. some more foulding.
gets the iron and board ready to iron.
picks out a new book to read.
irons 2 things...
nah.. want a differend book.
gets another book and finishes the paper stuff.
oh right the deskstuff pile!
does some dusting in my room.
I'll do the desktop pile tomorrow..
oh mums back! dinner time!
see this was only 2 hours of a normal day... and you think the blog is confusing! ;)


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