
Saturday, October 1, 2011

I'm catching up!

monday: sun!! issa nice nice weather! so I grabbed a book, found the sun and... nuthing! a nuthing day but a nice day :)
thuesday: for the love of evil ducky make it stop!!! I'm getting a wishdom tooth (stop laughing) but my teeth are so insanely sharp that it hurts so much! my whole left side of my mouth is numb O_O
wednesday: it still freaking hurts!! I've been so annoyed mby it... but ppl found me volenteer work.. finally something but (yep there's a but) so freakig far away!! I'm one out of 3 so I'll just make sure I'm not gonna be there much when it's winter.. I wont be lying or anything.. it's those bloody busses.. it's gonne be hell! oh well I'll have to be there this monday. It's so close to the German border that I'm taking mum shopping there :) wich means I shop and she  carries it on her electric scooter ;)
thursday: I haven't got a clue.. gran in the morning and well a bit of cleaning in the afternoon :)


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