
Sunday, February 26, 2012

back 26 feb

oh man, there's been so much going on! well let's get some notes on here shall we?
there's another royal tragedy, Prince Friso is in a coma. he was was buried under an avalanche. the whole country was on a stand still. now it's just waiting for some kind of new news untill... MANDELA IN HOSPITAL!! yea when the news that Nelson Mandela was in the hospital Friso was almost forgotten. thats just how how weird life really is. Mandela was fine, he's a strong 93 year old...

 I have work this monday and thursday. monday for an hour and a half lol... I'm working my butt off hehe. thursday I've got 2 adresses near by. it's just this week tho.. kinda sad but it's better then nuthing at all. my nails are black and green this week and im still looking for a good topcoat (Carry do u know any??) my nails still look like a 5 year old had a go at them so that will be the story if anyone asks ;) further I've been drinking tea, reading... uhm... dunno stuff.


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