
Sunday, February 26, 2012

gran! the real source of exitement this week.

thursday: gran has been sick since monday (well sunday night) but we visited on thursday like every thursday. we expected just a sick gran... we got a nice surprise. a confused gran, all the curtains closed and no sign that she expected us. (she always puts a treat for Kelso on the kitchen floor ALWAYS) turns out she has been sleeping... since monday! she was feeling terrible and her back hurted cause she kept in bed for so long. she hardly ate and drank mostly coffee... how is she still alive?? anyway. we let some light in and flipped her matras to help her back. during the morning she was awake and moving, you could tell it made her feel better. the days after that she spend more time out of bed, she's also eating more and drinking lemonade instead of coffee. good she's feeling better.
but there's more gran madness:
saturday at 10:50 in the morning we got a phone call: 'I fell and I can't get up, I've been trying for half an hour already!' I was still in my pyama (I like walking around in them in the morning.. who doesn't?) but my dressed mum rushed over there.. well after we laughed a bit and I told her to do what they do to horses if she has a broken leg. as soon as mum went out the door I knew what was comming so I grabbed the phone and took a shower. I was almost done when the phone rang.. 'Yvon come over here the rooms a mess!' so after I was dry an dressed I went to gran's. plate and cup on the livingroom floor with half a jam sandwich. lovely.. well after 20 minutes everything was clean again. gran was on a chair.. her back hurted and mum coulnt bend down so far to clean it. after the floor, I cleaned everything of the livingroom table and put the tablecloth in the washing machine. gran said she didn't have another one. 'hold on, I'll figure something out' went to a closet, grabbed out her second cloth and put that on the table. she didn't even knew she had it!! makes ya wonder how dirty this one was... anyway after we had something to drink we went home. so now she's sick with a bad back. last we heard her back is getting better, she's getting less sick and the curtains.. well like always there still closed. wich is such a shame, we had a warm sunny sun shining today!


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