
Saturday, October 24, 2009


I saw the movie The Number 23.. what a good movie! I didnt expected that at all. im gonne buy the DVD today cause I really wanna see that movie again. if u ever get a hange to see it.. do it! at 1 point you woul be so confused, but everything falls into place. deff worth watching at least ones!
I bought stuff! Scones!!!! yummie.. I also bought some English rum fudge ^_^ hmmmm yummie yummie. I got a big lollypop from mummy hehe. it sounds like all I bought is sweets...well yea thats basicly it... oh wait! I also bought some 3D sheets. so pics of cards are comming up. it was a nice day were I walked 3.5 km (2.2 miles). I know thiscause mum went with her new electric scooter..theres a kilometer counter on there.
it wasnt a good day for mum she bought soup mix. payed with 50,- and got back for 10,- she didnt pay attention an also didnt tell me howmuch she brought with her! so I didnt knew it went wrong. she lost 40,- cause of that bitch. ell maybe she say it for a 10,- I dont know.. anyway mum borrowed 25,- from me for a glasscleaner and lunch so I just told her she didnt had to pay me back. poor mummie..
yesterday night I played the game which is becomming an addiction while I switched between 9 radio stations on an internet site. of course I talked to Bunny too ^_^ Punky (my gerbil) was acting so weird yesterday.. I got scared she would die. she was walking on 3 paws like she was dizzy. then she let herself fall of the lil stairthingy and I really thought she wasnt well. but after she fell..she woke up! my Punky was just sleepwalking. that girl has always been weird but I didnt knew they could sleepwalk!!


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