
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2 books!

saturday I finally finished Cujo...

The Cambers' once-friendly St. Bernard turns into a killer after being bitten by a rabid bat. Donna Trenton's husband is in New York trying to contain a disastrous ad campaign. Feeling abandoned by her workaholic husband, who is frequently out of town, Donna Trenton embarks on an affair with a local handyman. Left to fend for herself, she takes her ailing Pinto to Joe Cambers' garage for repairs only to be trapped with her son Tad in the sweltering car by the monstrous dog.

well not really I skipped almost the whole book. the dog part was just a bit it went on and on about the relation ship between Donna and.... her husband (yea I already lost his name) which is just to boring for me. im sorry but I wanna see action in books! well I saw the dvd first an the beginning of the DVD was also a bit boring... so yea I could have known.. Cujo: the first Stephen King book I disn't like (and hopefully the last)
now I've started with an very exiting new book!
Franck Thilliez: the color of darkness (La couleur des ténèbres) short story only 104 pages. 

it begins with two men stuck in a cave below a gletcher. One can move only a small distance cause he has a chain on his leg, the other wears a steal mask. And there is a note with instructions. They have no idea how they ended up there. That slightly becomes clear in the story. In an excellent way.


I stole this review somewhere cause I couln't really find an English one.. and im to lazy to make my own.


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