
Friday, March 4, 2011

I banged my head...

well let's start at the beginning shall we? I had to go to work and there I did something stupid I only had like 20 mintes to go and I bent down to vacuum the little corner by the radiator. so I bent down and banged my head so hard on the knob of the radiator I felt all dizzy and sick. after a minute or so I realist what happend and checked if the skin isnt broken on my forhead.. it wasnt but it did turn blue yellowish. misses P didnt notice cause she was in the livingroom (I banged my head in the kitchen) so I finished work. walking back home I did feel my back hurting me and it became worse and worse... yes ppl I can bang my head and hurt my spine! really.. my head didnt hurt but my shoulderblades and spine (no not my neck but the upper half from my spine) where killig me! I could only sit without moving and it was okay.. not great but okay.


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