
Saturday, December 31, 2011


they look pretty good ey?
should have been Grolsh logo cutout
I made but the G broke and the rest failed
so it's the new LSCH brand.


the idiot is still arround.. I can tell.
(if you pay attention so can you) 
it's sad how some people just keep haninging on.. oh well.

31 december

look what I made:
2 racks with bottles for the basement of the bar.

Friday, December 30, 2011


 look little books!
made this calendar today for the bar.
further.. well I think you know, gran's here. we went too the stores and I bought Nanny McPhee 2, mums very happy lol. further I made a new lil book and a calendar.. I also did some painting in the basement of the bar. so.. not really intresting but I keep myself busy.

thursday night

just a little update. after waking up from all that cleaning it was dinner time, then me and mum watched some tv. I thought of having a shower in the morning but because tomorrow's gonne be messed up to, I had one at 11:20 at night.. much better. got a bottle of herb Indy showergel. so now I smell like India.. but in a good way...
the plans are final: grans comming tomorrow to drink tea, then where going to the stores to get food. then she's stay till monday morning. as she leaves me and mum will have to go to the hospital.. sounded more dramatic as it should. mum has to go to the eye doc who's gonna do so much I'm bringing my book! and in the afternoon we will b back home... where I can get my room back! and the tv.. she's doesn't like a lot of things and will watch the news re-runs just to see if anything's changed. if we should watch something she doesnt care so much about (even for half an hour, while where stuck with her soaps) she will sing, talk loudly to Kelso or find another way to annoy us sensless.. it's gonne be great! well last year she stayed awake during The Mist.. she did have some weird dreams that night tho hehe. so we'll see.. I got lots of mini stuff I can make so I'll be fine :) 

p.s.: I bought Nanny McPhee on DVD cause gran will understand that movie (hopefully).  

work dayz

theusday afternoon and wednesday morning where my work days this week thanks to the little baby Jesus who is older then all of us. (think about it, I'm right) so that's pretty much it I don't do much at work...
cleaning at home is a differend story. I started on wednesday: windows livingroom inside and out, my bedroom inside (just for the idea) and mums bedroom outside (the rest was still dried up raindrops free). then I tidied up my room, dusted and vacuumed. did the same with mums room. I had laundry in the machine so I hang that on the rack, emptied all the trashcans I could find and cleaned the washine machine and the bathroom shelf. on thursday: living room bigs clean up (moving everything to the left and right) cleaning the kitchen, gave Kelso a shower, cleaned the bathroom and toilet... then I fell asleep on my bed for 2 hours.. I'm done, but gran's gonne be in a nice and clean house :)

Carry just 4 u

u need to catch up on your English sweetheart so:

gran fri - sun
well mon morn

please leave answer in the form of a question ;)

p.s.: I thought this pic of the magazines curled up into a brain is fab!

Thursday, December 29, 2011


second Christmasday! and I;m off to work, it's such a great day.. soft weather, no wind *takes a deep breath* greatness.. anyway I went to work but when I arrived I found out she forgot it was the sec Chr day so after a cup of tea I could leave again.. I didn't mind, the weather was so good I went for an extra long walk back home.
the rest of the day I spend with my bar, it's gonne be a busy week cause friday gran will be here till sunday or monday.. so the house needs to be tidy and clean. not tha it's such a mess but common.. it's gran. so before all the madness begins. let's look at a bunny who kills himself:

Monday, December 26, 2011

beginning of the bar

 with the 2 shelf in there
upstairs: living area
middle: the bar
downstairs: storage room


lazy day.. I read my book mostly. oh and gleud the last plank/shelf in my dartboard cabinet. the dumbest thing of the day was my glass candle plate broke :S candle got too hot. it was stupid I'll admit that, so tomorrow I'll have to get a new one, oh no in 2 day's! tomorrow everythings closed, I have to work tho.. oh well, so be it!


started my very first dollhouse typ project: a bar in a dartboardcabinet. sounds a bit like something I would do doesn't it? so I got 2 planks today, which I gleud in the cabinet as fast as I could. well one of them, I'm taking it easy. so easy I didn't really do anything the rest of the day. well I walked arround outside from 10:00 till 12:30 so that takes time..

Friday, December 23, 2011


I got my things today! look at that..
scissor charm: just cause I loved it
key charm: for the bar
needles: only tool I use for Fimo
little roses: I got those! (sweet ey?)
 love teddy!
yep the teddy needle cushion is glowing with love.


me and mum need new ID-cards but because kids ID-cards are going to cost a lot more next year. we had to get there early.. very early! we where the first ones there ar 8:20 but then we got to hear that the woman who does the ID's is sick! and there waiting for the other woman. she said it would take over an hour but 25 minutes later where getting our ID-cards.. well mum was. I forgot to bring my passport! how dumb is that? I had my ID but they also needed my passport. so I need to go back next year to get my ID (turns out next year they will be a bit cheaper, so at least thats a bit of luck)
arround 9:45 mum did her market shopping, I picked up Kelso and we had tea at gran's house.. who's slowly loosing her mind btw. we asked her if she would go to Holiday's On Ice. she said no, so we talked to her how much she liked it. but she was grumpy and said no.. we go the tickets and when mum said we had them she said: 'ooooh also for me? I love Holiday On Ice' O_O mum said no, her own stupidity (and love for attention she got by saying no) bit her in the butt.
arround 3:30 I had to go to the work office, things where discussed but nothing new. after that we got the Christmas box! it was so heavy mum had to pic m up with it. well just click the pic:


I bought something I wanted for a long time.. an magic 8 ball!!
 happy happy, joy joy
Yvie got a new toy!
 will you controll my life from now on?


I got 15,- from the woman I work for YAY! little Christmas gift.. isn't that sweet? well this night I went to youtube to find some shows I like but after 4 minutes it all went down hill: internet had no connection!! I started sorting out some pc stuff but got bored so I went too bed.. could have played some dvd's but didn't feel like it.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

la la la Christmas Songs

Carry gave me a good question: why do we always hear the same songs on Christmas?

tradition: you have no idea how fast something becomes a tradition. just think about stuff that goes on in your own house, maybe during a holiday or a special date of the year. Christmas food that's on the dinner table, just to mention one of them. I think the songs are part of that. there oldies which have been arround for so long it's a tradition to play them.. even if it is Wham! *rolls eyes*

childhood: it's a fact that the music we hear as a child will always have a special place in our heart. most people heard from a very young age how the world is a winter wonderland and than some guy is still driving home for Christmas. you here it everywhere! radio, stores, t.v. or anywhere else you might be. at times we even see the memories when we first heard th song, or what happend when 2 man sang about giving a heart away. even when you read this you might hear the songs which titles I used, or smiled at a memory you thought you'd forgotten a long time ago..

brainwashed: yes, you heard me! let's get the truth out there, where all brainwashed! ever heard a song ones and thought it was horrible? but after hearing it 5-10-15 times you start to like it, and after 20 times you can sing the lyrics? it's the same with Christmas songs. there many many more songs out there but it would be pointless playing those. uplifting happy songs with a catchy music and some bells. that's all we want, some sunshine in the cold dark months of winter. the people who create(d) the best Christmas songs know this very very well and used it to make timeless music. annoying at first but with so much warmth that it leaks into our brains where it sits till next year.. and so on.. and so on..
I hope this answers your question Carry
if not: Google!

the day with the 2 stories

after work in the morning (yes on monday) I did some shopping. mum gave me 10,- and I bought food and some fruit. back home mum went to another place and spend 22,- on things for Kelso, mini doggy treats and food. (stocking up for the winter). so all her money.. but when I was checking my mail she said: 'you 10,- I spend 22,- where even okay?' so I said yes and didn't even think about it. 10 hours later I gave her the change from the money she gave me, she was surprised. yes ladies and gentlemen she forgot she gave me the 10,- in the first place! she said she wanted 10,- from me.. I said she said herself where even. so thanks mum! all you got was a Kelso kiss cause you bought him snacks.
someone thought I was over 300 pounds! (150 kilo) O_O I'm so far from skinny as I can be but 300 pounds? omg. I got pic's on here that kinda tell I'm less then that. 300 pounds.. my goodness, I'm in shock! so let's all make something very clear I'm UNDER 300!!
anyway the reason we started talking about this was cause I need a new scale, she said where I could buy one. I asked if it's a good one and her answer was: 'well it only goes till 150 kilo so it wont work for you' O_O so yea.. to be fair, she was sorry. but I'm still a bit in shock!

p.s.: did you expect this?:

Sunday, December 18, 2011

the couch

to refresh your memory: couch massacre
there he is, the old one:
after I took away the pillows the fun began.
I was so happy I could do this,
I had the whole thing in pieces within 15 minutes
so. much. room.
so Kelso had a temporary sleeping place.
and all his friends came to visite
at first he was a little confuzzled
but then he figured out it was just an holiday
YAY the new couch!!
brought in by 2 idiots who damaged it!
but we got a new one, and late that night it was done!
with the draw installed wich makes it a bed.
(for new years when gran's here)
now everyone's happy.

the mini table made from scoubidou strings

 after 2 tables that kept loosing there legs this is the end result.


I showed mum an gran a music video that they loved:
Swedish House Mafia - Save the World

further..uhm.. finished the table I've been working on for the past 3 days! after 2 failed tries I finally got it together YAY! (pic's will be on later today) also the pic's of the new mini stuff I bought for the bar I'm making. I just need 2 wooden planks and some paint before I can get started :( oh well I keep myself busy as always :)


Friday, December 16, 2011


didn't have to work! yep only had 1 adress cause the other one is getting her eye fixed in Germany. so this morning to the shops, have to make my own dinner tonight (not that thats a problem) cause mum is dining out. and I felt like having some steak, had some sprouts left from yesterday.. so I'll survive ;) talking about surviving this was the view we had this morning:
we didn't expect that! but it was to warm to really make everything snowy. in th afternoon I'v been messing srround again, I've ben trying for 2 days to make a tiny little table -_- pfff it keeps collapsing! so wish me luck! in the afternoon I've ben blogging but I got a litle bored, one thing let to another and well look at these:
don't mess with me:

 the sleeping train:
 stay away from the kitteh:
 where are my paws?:
 go go smelling sences:
 you can't be happy all the time:
if that didn't make you smile at least ones you really really really need help!
(no Kelso's included)