
Sunday, October 3, 2010

3th of october

just a day... a day that made me a year older O_o worse that that.. a bitrh day or as I like to call it 'congratz-you-survived-yet-another-year day'. people arround me not to get me anything or w/e so it was a normall day. exept for Eric who sent me a green Ipod Shuffle! and it's ingraved. want pics?
cute card with it :)
cute ey? ^_^
btw if you check the date youll see im with Eric for 5 months!
Eric for a blue matching one.
sweet ey? anyway now im talking I watched to much That 70's Show and listened to too much Beatles... that explains the blog doesnt it? lol I got so sick of blue and green day in, day out I mixed stuff up. I hope you like it. and well thats pretty much all today.


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